
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Cra-Z D8s 4 (Funny Date Story)

My date and I had met on the internet in a chat room for the over 40 singles. In the room she was quite funny so I began to IM her separate from the room. We agreed to meet at a local Denny’s for coffee.

I walked in and shook her hand, introducing myself. My name was the last thing I said for the next two hours. She is a grade school teacher and the whole time we were there at Denny’s, she talked about school reforms. I tried so hard to be interested but kept finding my mind wandering to other things I could and should be doing. At one point I realized I had lost total track of her conversation and thought, “Maybe if I pay attention now, I can fill in the blank time.” Soon enough though, my mind wandered again. Once again, I silently reprimanded myself to pay attention. Again, I thought, “Maybe if I listen well now, I can figure out what I missed.”

My cell phone never goes two hours without someone calling about some disaster at work that needs my attention. I kept finding my eyes drifting to my cell and wondering if there is a way to make it ring without her noticing that I was the one making it ring.

The next time I found myself not cognizant of her words, I looked up and was startled to find her drawing a diagram of some sort on the table. I thought, “Oh, no, I hope she doesn’t test me on this conversation.” I leaned in and looked earnestly at her finger as it moved about the table top, glancing from her finger to her face as she talked, trying to look like I was entranced with what she was saying. I figured I can at least look like I am paying attention. As it turned out, she wasn’t drawing a diagram at all. She was just absentmindedly pushing a bread crumb about the table top as she got further into the topic of school reforms.

I am not sure how many years of history I could have learned in that two hour period about school reforms but I am sure it would have been enough to make me qualified to sit on a school district board, had I paid attention.

When my cell finally rang, I had to refrain from answering it with, “I’ll be right there!” or something equally lame, like, “About time this phone rang!” I finally did have my out though. I graciously told her that it was a joy to meet her, but I needed to get to work.

When I didn’t contact her again, I received a vicious email telling me where I can go. Thank goodness it wasn’t to Denny’s to have coffee.

Click On One Of The Links Below For More Fun Reads

Cra-Z D8s 1 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 2 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 3 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 4 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 5 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 6 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 7 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 8 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 9 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 10 (Funny Date Story)

Independence Day - 4th of July

please, explain god to me

Reflections In The Fog

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In the singles world, we all go on dates, some of which are so funny that the retelling of them makes the world laugh. Check out some of the funny stories others have experienced. Be sure to spread the laughter by sharing some of your own stories. Scroll down to find a comment section so that you can let the people who submitted the stories know how much you enjoyed reading about their funny dates. Report your crazy date by e-mail to:

Most important thing: have a fun, laugh-filled life. Don't let people rattle your cage. Be safe: Treat flattery like bubblegum: chew it; enjoy it; spit it out - don't swallow it. Educate with humor. Laugh while learning. There is no better humor than the facts of life. Laughter serves as a psychological healing balm rubbed upon our emotional wounds. - Bree

(All submissions become the sole property of Cra-Z D8s. Copyrighted material; write for permission to reprint.)

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